Phantasmagoria game wtf is wrong with these people
Phantasmagoria game wtf is wrong with these people

One of the things that i have learned, that really caught my attention was the extent of people being independent. And believe me, everyday is a learning experience, u just wait and see :)ġst inspiration:I have realised alot of things from my work, and in these 2 weeks, it has taught me repeatedly of the things that we disregard. But like i said before, the lesser negative stuffs that i post, the better my blog is gonna be, cause at the end of the day, who the fuck wans to read some emo shit blog post everyday? HAHAH.Īnd i wanted to say alot of things judging from what have happened recently, and simply because due to me not having enuf time, i have failed to post alot of fresh daily inspirations of what i learned everyday. If i keep blogging everyday, and even the days without me doing the BIG things would turn out to be negative, because of the little fights and arguments between my girl and myself, which we both know, its our own fault anyway. Personally, i kinda like it better if i blog a little lesser, just so i keep my negative thorts to the minimum, and keep my postive to the maximum. But at least i do make an effort to post some stuff of what happened :), so i hope u guys keep supporting me. Well it is kinda obvious, i have reduced my frequency of my blog post by alot, and i am really sorry, if some of you guys are really looking forward to the posts that i blog about. We proceeded to go home of course, and just took some pictures after that. But thats okay, theres always next time hahaha. So my girl, spent all her time dressing up, putting make ups, and we didnt even end up going into a club. My girl and i jus went "-.-, k i aint going in anymore" LOL. So we went.and the long ass queue kinda pissed me off, and moreover, the people there were all whites ( no offence, i like better when theres a mix of asians and whites or other races, Plain whites are a big NO NO for me, cause it kinda reminded me what happened back then) But anywayyyyyyyyy, the queue was long ass, then we encountered a fucking fight in front of the club. Matt and i were saying, maybe we should go somewhere different for clubbing, but what i personally thort was that, there isnt any other places that are available to go, without being in the queue for 10-20 mins, but matt insisted we should go meet his friends. Ok so, at the end, i have to mention the fail clubbing last saturday. I aint spoiling her, if shes being unreasonable, i would ease to buy stuffs for her, but its just tat, i kinda get the habit of achieving something, and saving up for something, and it kinda makes me grow, but i would have to tell her, i cant do that every now and then, cause all those stuffs are all so overpriced. Just the usual, fantasizing the LV's and PRADA's hahha ( she always does tat, and gets depressed cause she has to wait a while to get them) Well, it isnt all too hard, especially with me working now, and let me get this straight. After 2 hours of reading SHITS, i have abandoned my books, and surfed net with my girl, to find some shopping ideas. Library was relatively quiet during the weekends ( of course? DUH!) But i realised i cant do alot of readings recently, i started out really fast, then the speed jus goes downhill, which is sooooooooooooo depressing. We changed spots that day, cause we thort, its boring to sit at the same place every single time. NEVERTHELESS, we started studying recently in the library in curtin of course, i have managed to have taken some photos juz for the images. Sometimes, i think people always recieve gifts from other ppl, and always NOT buying stuffs tat they like, FOR THEMSELVES,and that is silly, cause it is UR DAY, u should buy something with ur own money, and reward urself once in a while, and this shirt is kinda like a bday present for myself, eventho my bday happened 3 weeks ago. And if u think i am being so self-centred, then ur wrong. This t shirt is actually a very late bday present for me, FROM MYSELF. So today, we stopped by the burberry store around kings street in Perth city, and bought myself a t-shirt. For some of you may have noticed, i recently have this weird shift of fashion, where i just buy everything branded, and burberry is one of the big brands tat i have wanted, but of course, with its stuffs, too overpriced, i refrain myself from spending all too much on its stuff. So anyways, i went to the city, and proceeded to get my burberry shirt. 300 bucks for my weekly pay, and tax is around 80 ( eventho i get it back later, and get to claim it back later, i still think, 220 per week, IS NOT ALOT OF CASH FOR ME, especially, since i am a big spender nowadays). So some of you may have known, i get my cash paid, every wednesday, and i get TAX RAPED everytime i get paid. I will start with today's stuff, and rewinding back to what actually happened from last week untill now.

Phantasmagoria game wtf is wrong with these people